UCW ExamBranch
Erstwhile Univesity College for Women(A Constinuent of Osmania University)
(Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade unitl 2017)
Examination Branch

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Controller of Examinations
Asst.Prof. in Commerce
Department of Commerce
VCIWU, Koti, Hyd.

Dr. B.Shailaja (M.com, M.Phil., Ph.D.,) from Osmania University. She is a NET JRF holder. She has 17 years of teaching experience. Her area of specialization is marketing. She has presented papers at several international and national conferences and seminars and several publications to her credit. She served as Academic Co-coordinator, Controller of Examination at the University College for Women, Koti. Presently, working as Vice Principal of Telangana Mahila Vishwa Vidyalayam (Women's University), koti. Her other areas of interest include Business Law, HRM, Cost and Management Accounting. Her Doctoral research focuses on the Problems of the Weavers in Telangana. She is a recipient of best paper award at All India Accounting Conference. She was the resource person for national conferences. She authored three books. She organised various conferences and seminars at national level. She delivered lectures at various colleges.